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The Development of Human Design

Ra Uru Hu delivered the knowledge of the Human Design System, for many years he toured the world teaching it.
The ‘political’ development, the structuring and organising of the various national Human Design Schools is what we want to present (and comment) here.

Here is room for (YOUR) comments and stories…


Aus dem deutschsprachigen HD online Radio

Ilse Sendler:
meine persönliche HD story 1
die ersten Jahre, Verträge, Rechte

meine persönliche HD story 2
die ersten ‘Kollateral-Schäden’, HD-Online, Software

meine persönliche HD story 3
ein Manager für Jovian, Verkauf der ‘Rechte’

meine persönliche HD story 4
Jahresgebühr für Readings, ‘persona non grata’

meine persönliche HD story 5
Schulen werden zur Schule, Ra’s Tod

meine persönliche HD story 6
Rückkehr zur alten/neuen Software

Es scheint nötig zu sein, meine Angaben zu belegen – nichts leichter als das:

der Beginn des ganzen Dramas – die Forderung von 500 Dollar/Jahr für ‘Online Arbeit’ (also auch z.B. für ein Reading über Skype) ging als Vertrag an ALLE HD Professionals der damaligen Zeit.
HIER können Sie den Vertrag nachlesen. Falls Ihnen die Juristensprache auch zuwider ist – das ist der Punkt, um den es geht:

Nach vielen Fragen habe ich – gemeinsam mit einigen der anderen ‘Direktoren’ und Repräsentanten nationaler Organisationen – diesen OFFENEN BRIEF an Lynda Bunell geschrieben.

DAS war nach wenigen Stunden Lynda’s Antwort – Problem gelöst.
Human Design Austria und ich persönlich (als Analytikerin und Lehrerin) wurde allerdings gleichzeitig aus alles Listen und Verzeichnissen gelöscht.
Wie gut, dass ich korrekt reagiert hatte!

Das Ende der Abhängigkeit von selbsternannten ‘Autoritäten’

Hier finden Sie die aktuellen (2016) Entwicklungen, ein versuchter Knebelvertrag und eine klare Ablehnung durch die deutschsprachige HD Community.

HIER die versuchte Knebelung der Lehrer

HIER die Antworten und Statements, ein schönes Zeugnis von Menschen, die leben, was sie ‘predigen’!

Die seltsame Vergabepraxis von Lehrer Lizenzen

Hier ein Briefwechsel zwischen Jacqueline Riley (Jovian) und Werner Lessmann (HD Lehrer) zur Frage der Lizenzierung (?) zum Lehrer des ‘Differentiation Degree Programms’

Lessmann an Riley

Sehr geehrte Frau Jacqueline Riley,

aus aktuellem Anlass möchte ich mich heute direkt an Sie wenden. Da ich davon ausgehe, dass Sie mich nicht kennen, darf ich mich Ihnen kurz vorstellen: Mein Name ist Werner Lessmann. Ich komme aus dem schönen Nürnberg in Nordbayern, bin Generator 3/5 und mit der Sonne im Tor 54 geboren, HD Analytiker und Absolvent des DD-Programs.

Am 11.11.2015 wurde von Jovian ein Newsletter verschickt, der unter anderem auf die richtige und legale Nutzung des Human Design Systems hinwies, gemäß den Vorgaben von Ra. Dies hat mich dazu gebracht, die angeführten Links zu recherchieren. Dabei habe ich folgende Erkenntnisse zu Tage gefördert, die mich mehr als irritieren. Deshalb schreibe ich Ihnen.

Soweit es mir bekannt ist, haben drei Personen das DD-Programs entwickelt: Ra, Andrea und Alok. Ra ist bedauerlicherweise vor Fertigstellung des DD-Programms verstorben, so dass die beiden anderen das DD-Program fertig entwickelt haben. Insbesondere Andrea unterrichtet dieses DD-Program an der internationalen Schule. Weitere Lehrer im DD-Program wurden bisher nicht ausgebildet.

Es ist deshalb sehr überraschend und verwunderlich, dass auf der offiziellen Seite der IHDS unter der Rubrik Certified Human Design Professionals Peter Schöber mit Teacher Qualifications unter anderem im Bereich PTLIV für das Differentiation Degree Program ausgewiesen wird. Es stellt sich die Frage, woher er diese Qualifikationen hat, denn keiner von den drei Entwicklern hat ihn darin ausgebildet. Auch verfügt er meines Wissens über keine der ausgewiesenen Additional Qualifikations in den Bereichen Primary Health System Practitioner und Rave Psychology Practitioner.

Niemand kann beurteilen, wie gut Peter Schöbers Kenntnisse im DD-Program sind, außer den beiden einzig existierenden Lehrern Andrea und Alok.

Irritieren mich nun diese offensichtlichen Falschangaben auf einer offiziellen Webseite des Human Designs schon sehr, finde ich auf der Seite von Andrea Reikl Wolf und Alokanand Diaz keinerlei Hinweis darauf, dass sie Lehrer des DD-Programs sind, obwohl sie die Entwickler des Programms sind. Seltsam, oder?

Diese Umstände sind sehr schwer zu verstehen, außer dass man sich aus bestimmten, möglicherweise politischen und/oder finanziellen Motiven mit falschen Federn schmückt und die Studenten von Peter Schöber über seine wahren Qualifikationen täuscht. An diesem Betrug ist ja nicht nur eine einzelne Person sondern eine ganze Organisation beteiligt. Und gleichzeitig werde ich per Newsletter auf die Einhaltung der offiziellen und legalen Richtlinien von Jovian der IHDS hingewiesen. Seltsam, oder?

Für meine Ausbildung zum DD-Absolventen habe ich sehr viel Geld ausgegeben. Nun lerne ich, dass es offensichtlich Begünstigte gibt, die keine Ausbildung brauchen, um unterrichten zu dürfen, oder es gilt der Umkehrschluss, dass ich mit meiner Ausbildung zum DD-Practitioner bereits die Qualifikation zum Ausbilder erworben habe. Es gilt doch hoffentlich auch im Human Design gleiches Recht für alle. Korruption ist offensichtlich überall.

Ich bin extrem dafür, dass die wahre Lehre von Ra hochgehalten und nicht verwässert oder verfälscht wird. Es ist nun höchst bedauerlich, dass sich sogar die offiziellen Organisationen daran beteiligen. Sehr schade!

Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort, mit der Sie hoffentlich meine Bedenken zerstreuen und diesen öffentlichen Betrug, der auf Dauer das Human Design System in Ras Form untergräbt und zerstört, beenden.

Liebe Grüße
Werner Lessmann

Destiny is no matter of chance or choice.
It is a matter of correct decision!

Coach und Unternehmensberater

Riley an Lessmann

Hallo Herr Lessmann,

Zuerst einmal gratuliere ich Ihnen zu ihrer Ausbildung als DDP Absolvent. Dieses Program ist, wie Sie sicherlich wissen, die Kulmination von Ra’s Arbeit mit dem Human Design System, und wir sind Andrea und Alok sehr dankbar, dass sie es damals weiter entwickelt und zu Ende geführt haben. Daher ist es schon sehr bedauernswert, dass Sie sich in dieser Angelegenheit getäuscht fühlen.

Ich kann Ihnen dazu nur folgendes sagen, sprich wiederholen: Die IHDS ist u.a. verantwortlich für die Ausbildung von Lehrern, und generell für die Ausbildung der Fortgeschrittenen Kurse. Ebenso ist sie verantwortlich für die Aufrechterhaltung der Standards und Richtlinien.

Wenn Sie also Bedenken und Fragen haben hinsichtlich der Kompetenz einer der von der IHDS zertifizierten Lehrer – in diesem Fall Peter Schöber – dann rate ich Ihnen, sich direkt an Lynda Bunnell, die Leiterin der IHDS zu wenden, unter .
Sie wird Ihnen sicherlich Auskunft geben können und dies ist auf jeden Fall empfehlenswerter und sinnvoller, als im Vorneherein fragwürdige Rückschlüsse zu ziehen, die dann auch gleich in Beschuldigungen ausarten.

Zur Zeit nutzen wir allerdings die Festtage, um eine friedvolle und besinnliche Zeit zu geniessen, ebenso wird dies an der IHDS der Fall sein.
Ich hoffe, es wird sich alles zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit klären lassen und wünsche Ihnen alles Gute mit Ihrer Arbeit als DDP Absolvent.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Jacqueline RIley

Lieschen Müller und die Legalität

Sowohl Jovian Archive als auch die selbsternannte IHDS berufen sich laufend auf ihre ‘Rechte’, sind aber seit vielen Jahren nicht imstande, diese ‘Rechte’ zu belegen – schlicht und einfach, weil sie von einem ‘automatischen Copyright’ ausgehen (um das man sich nicht weiter zu kümmern braucht…!) und niemals irgendwelche weltweiten Trademarks angemeldet haben. Daher sehen sich alle nationalen HD Organisationen in der absurden Lage, zwar einen Vertrag über ‘exklusive Rechte am HDS’ (erworben) zu haben, die ‘Exklusivität’ aber ausschließlich zwischen den beiden Vertragspartnern erwähnt wird. (Wie ja überall leicht zu sehen: unzählige Gruppen arbeiten mit dem HDS, und niemand kann sie daran hindern.) Wer keine Rechte hat, sollte sie eigentlich auch nicht um viel Geld verkaufen, oder?

Ähnlich abstrus ist auch der Umgang mit den nationalen Verträgen.
Nachdem HDAustria und ich persönlich nun mehrfach gestrichen, gelöscht, abberufen und ‘ersetzt’ wurde, kann ich aber trotzdem mit dieser heiteren Nachricht aufwarten, dass mein Vertrag zwar weiter besteht (Überraschung!), aber nicht mehr anerkannt wird:


Jovian meint also allen Ernstes, einseitig und per Mail Teile eines Vertrags (nämlich die Rechte) außer Kraft setzen zu können, den anderen Teil des Vertrags (die Pflichten) aber intakt zu lassen…

Die ‘Einsetzung’ einer neuen nationalen Organisation für den deutschsprachigen Raum ist zwar ein klarer Vertragsbruch, aber dermaßen absurd, dass man wirklich nur mehr lachen kann (was ich gerne und ausgiebig tue!). Nachdem mehrere deutschsprachige HD Professionals diese ‘mission impossible’ abgelehnt hatten, fand sich am Ende doch ein Eifriger, der nun meint am deutschsprachigen Himmel zu strahlen.

Selbstüberschätzung und Geldgier haben ja leider eine lange Tradition im HDS – umso schöner ist es, dass sich langsam aber sicher korrekte und ehrliche Arbeit auf allen Ebenen durchsetzt.
Besuchen Sie doch unsere Website und überzeugen Sie sich von der guten Zusammenarbeit vieler Professionals im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum.

Abschließende Erklärung, Klarstellung der rechtlichen Situation

(Schreiben an Peter Schöber und ‘HD Services’)

Lieber Peter,

in den letzten Monaten hast du in Deinen Schreiben allen Lehrern und zukünftigen Schülern im deutschsprachigen Raum verordnet, sie müssen sich Dir anschließen, da sie ansonsten nicht mehr „offiziell“ anerkannt werden.
Heute werden wir dazu umfassend und abschließend Stellung nehmen:
  1. Ilse Sendler betreibt seit September 2000 eine durch Jovian Archive Corp. vertraglich anerkannte Human Design-Schule. Dieser im September 2000 geschlossene Vertrag gibt Ilse Sendler bzw. der von ihr betriebenen Organisation HDA (Human Design Austria) das exklusive Recht, im Auftrag von Jovian eine HD-Schule zu betreiben, Schulungsmaterial zu erstellen und zu vertreiben, sowie Professionals auszubilden und zu lizensieren. Ilse Sendler ist gemäß diesem Vertrag die offizielle und einzige Repräsentantin von Jovian für das Human Design System, den Global Incarnation Index und die Human Design School.
  2. Dieser zwischen Ilse Sendler und Jovian geschlossene Vertrag gibt ihr das exklusive Recht, die offizielle und einzige Vertreterin von Jovian in Österreich zu sein. Durch eine schriftliche Vertragsergänzung im November 2003 wurde dieses exklusive Recht auf die gesamte deutschsprachige Ausbildung erweitert.
  3. Dieser Vertrag vom September 2000 mit seiner schriftlichen Erweiterung vom November 2003 ist ungekündigt und gültig. Dies wurde erst vor kurzem durch Jaqueline Riley, Präsidentin von Jovian, schriftlich bestätigt. Daraus folgt, dass jede weitere Schule im deutschsprachigen Raum, die sich auf einen Auftrag und Anerkennung durch Jovian beruft, gegen diesen Vertrag verstößt und illegal ist. Das gilt insbesondere auch für die von Dir betriebene Human Design Services.
  4. Die Ausgründung der IHDS (International Human Design School) aus Jovian erfolgte zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt als die Vertragsschließung mit HDA. Daraus folgt, dass die IHDS keine Rechte an den Ländern hat, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits einen eigenen exklusiven Vertrag mit Jovian hatten. Sollte Jovian bei der Ausgründung der IHDS diese Rechte versehentlich mit veräußert haben, so verstößt dies gegen die bereits bestehenden Verträge und ist ungültig, da die älteren Rechte bei den bereits existierenden Schulen liegen.
HDA ist eine mit IHDS gleichberechtigte Schule. IHDS hat keinerlei Weisungsrechte gegenüber der HDA, da der geschlossene Vertrag zwischen Jovian und HDA besteht und IHDS keinerlei Rechte an der deutschsprachigen Ausbildung hat. Es besteht keine vertragliche Vereinbarung zwischen HDA und IHDS.
  1. HDA benötigt zum Betrieb ihrer Schule keinerlei Anerkennung durch die IHDS, weil HDA durch Jovian voll umfänglich durch den Vertrag vom September 2000 anerkannt ist. Eine Aberkennung irgendwelcher Rechte oder Teile davon ist nicht möglich, weil diese durch einen unkündbaren Vertrag zugesichert sind.
  2. Der zwischen Jovian und HDA geschlossene Vertrag sieht keine besondere Form der Ausbildung vor. Es ist also den jeweiligen Schulen überlassen, in welcher Form sie die Lehrinhalte vermitteln, z.B. in einer großen oder kleinen Ausbildung. Die Lehrinhalte sollten durch ein internationales Human Design Standard Board festgelegt werden. Dieses nicht näher bezeichnete Board hat seine Arbeit nie aufgenommen und existiert nicht mehr.
  3. Ilse Sendler hat durch den abgeschlossenen Vertrag nicht nur das exklusive Recht durch Jovian, eine Human Design Schule im deutschsprachigen Raum zu betreiben, sondern auch das exklusive Recht, Schulungsmaterial zu vertreiben, das auf Material und Grundlagen beruht, die von Ra Uru Hu oder Jovian zur Verfügung gestellt wurden oder werden. Der Vertrieb ähnlicher Unterlagen durch Dich oder HD-Services ist daher unzulässig und verstößt gegen dieses exklusive Recht. Auch die IHDS kann keine Materialien, Schulungsunterlagen oder Rechte daran im deutschsprachigen Raum vertreiben oder gewähren, da sie keine Rechte im deutschsprachigen Raum hält.
  4. Die von Dir betriebene Organisation hat keinerlei Rechte, eine durch Jovian oder IHDS anerkannte HD-Schule für deutschsprachige Ausbildungen zu betreiben. Natürlich kann jeder sein Wissen weitergeben, wie er möchte, aber die einzige, offiziell durch Jovian anerkannte HD-Schule im deutschsprachigen Raum ist HDA, betrieben von Ilse Sendler.
  5. Die von HDA ausgebildeten Schüler und Lehrer sind vollumfänglich durch Jovian und dem geschlossenen Vertrag zwischen Jovian und HDA anerkannt und legitimiert. Diese Legitimation kann von der IHDS nicht aberkannt werden, da diese weder einen Vertrag mit HDA noch Ausbildungsrechte im deutschsprachigen Raum hat.
  6. Unabhängig der lizenzrechtlichen und vertraglichen Situation handeln sowohl HDA wie auch HD-Services im gleichen Markt. Hier gelten per Gesetz definierte Wettbewerbsregeln. Du und Deine Organisation haben wesentlich durch die Aktivitäten der vergangen Monate widerrechtlich in diesen Wettbewerb eingegriffen. Im Einzelnen liegen folgende Verstöße vor:
  1. Herabsetzende oder anschwärzende Aussagen über Qualifikationen und Befähigung der HDA, weil Du insbesondere die rechtliche und vertragliche Situation völlig falsch darstellst und irrtümlich behauptest, HDA würde nicht mehr anerkannt, zumal eine Anerkennung durch die IHDS aufgrund der fehlenden Rechte gar nicht möglich ist.
  2. Täuschende oder irreführende Angaben über die rechtliche und vertragliche Stellung der HDA bzw. der mit HDA vertraglich verbundenen Lehrer, um Deine persönlichen Interessen vertragswidrig durchzusetzen.
  3. Es ist eine unzulässige Nötigung und Bedrohung der Lehrer der HDA, indem Du durch Zwang und falsche Behauptungen, die Lehrer würden ohne Wechsel ihre Anerkennung verlieren, versuchst, diese zum Wechsel zu Dir bzw. HD-Services zu bewegen.
  4. Durch die Abwerbung der Lehrer mit der Drohung, dass sie ihre Anerkennung verlieren würden, versuchst Du in unzulässiger Weise auch Zugriff auf deren Kunden zu bekommen und deren Bindung an die HDA zugunsten Deiner Organisation zu verändern.
Wir müssen feststellen, dass Dein Verhalten gegenüber HDA, deren Lehrern und Schülern, sowie im Markt allgemein wettbewerbswidrig ist und gegen geltende Gesetze verstößt. Du stellst die rechtliche und vertragliche Situation völlig falsch dar, versuchst die Lehrer mit Drohungen, Nötigungen, Zwängen und Falschinformationen zum Wechsel zu bringen und schadest damit dem Ansehen des Human Design Systems in der Öffentlichkeit und bei den bestehenden Schülern erheblich.
Wir müssen Dich daher auffordern, die Rechte der HDA auch öffentlich anzuerkennen und entsprechend den Verträgen korrekt darzustellen sowie die Verbreitung falscher Informationen über die Rechte der HDA und die unzulässige Abwerbung von Lehrern umgehend einzustellen. Sollte dies nicht geschehen, werden wir entsprechende rechtliche Schritte einleiten.
Unabhängig von der Notwendigkeit, dass die rechtliche Situation der HDA durch Dich respektiert werden muss, möchten wir betonen, dass wir keinerlei Interesse daran haben, weder den Markt noch unsere Kunden mit dieser sinnlosen, da rechtlich klaren Auseinandersetzung zu verunsichern. Es ist nicht in unserem Sinne, diesen Streit mit Dir fortzusetzen, da wir der Überzeugung sind, dass wir als Lehrer und HD Practitioners bzw. Coachs in der Lage sein sollten, strittige und auch gegensätzliche Themen auf eine korrekte Art und Weise zu lösen.
Wir möchten Dir deshalb ein ehrliches und ernst gemeintes Gesprächsangebot unterbreiten, indem wir mit Dir gemeinsam versuchen, zu einer einvernehmlichen Lösung zu kommen. Es würde uns freuen, wenn Du unser Gesprächsangebot annehmen würdest.

Beste Grüße

Die Unterzeichner:

Werner Lessmann
Ilse Sendler
Dr. Andrea Reikl-Wolf
Martin Grassinger
Hans-Werner Jansen
Marie-Luise Kreisz
Margit Müller
Meta Raunig-Hass

Human Design Association
Bettina Schäfer
Irmtraud Schmidt Farias
Dr. Jutta Edelbauer
Rudolf Keller
Susan Lee
Hermann Brodbeck
Elfriede Steiner
Dr. Andrea Reikl-Wolf
Werner Lessmann

English Video

BG5 Video
training, licensing and development


It seems necessary to prove what I (Ilse Sendler, HDAustria and German language HD education) claim – well, this is easy!
The whole mess started with a claim of 500 Dollar/year for ‘online work’ (even a Skype reading is regarded as online work) !
HERE you can read the contract that was sent out to every HD Professional in 2010. If you despise this kind of legal language as much as I do – this is the important paragraph:

After many questions I decided – in cooperation with a couple of other national directors or representatives – to write this  OPEN LETTER to Lynda Bunnell.


THIS was the result of our letter – within a few hours. Problem solved!
But Human Design Austria and I personally (as analyst and teacher) was deleted from all listings and records.
How lucky to have responded correctly!

Strange ways to acquire HDS teaching licenses

here are 2 mails between Werner Lessmann (German HD teacher) and Lynda Bunnell (IHDS) concerning the question how to acquire a teaching license for the ‘Differentiation Degree Program‘ without being trained…

Werner to Lynda

Dear Lynda,

I am approaching you today due to current events. As I assume you don’t know me, please allow me to introduce myself: My name is Werner Lessmann. I am living in Nuremberg, Germany. I am born as a generator, with the profile 3/5 and my sun gate is 54. I am a HD analyst and graduate of the DD program.

On 11 November, Jovian sent a newsletter, which is, among other topics, referring to the correct and legal way of using the human design system according to Ra. This led me to doing some research about the given links. I came up with some, for me, disturbing results. That is why I am writing to you.

As far as I know, three people developed the DD Program: Ra, Andrea and Alok. As Ra unfortunately died before the program was finished, the two others completed it. Especially Andrea is teaching the program at the international school. No further teachers have been trained yet.

Due to these facts, it is surprising and unexpected, that on the homepage of IHDS under the heading “Certified Human Design Professionals” Mr. Peter Schöber is shown with teacher qualifications among other things in the field PLTIV for the Differentiation Degree Program. The question is where he got these qualifications from, especially because none of the three developers of the program taught him. As far as I am informed, furthermore he doesn’t hold any qualifications in the fields of Primary Health System Practitioner or Rave Psychology Practitioner.

Nobody can assess Peter Schöber’s knowledge of the DD Program beside the two existing teachers Andrea and Alok.

As all of this is irritating enough already, it is even more bizarre that there is no mentioning of Andrea Reikl Wolf and Alokanand Diaz as teachers for the DD Program on the homepage of the IHDS, although they are the developers of the program. That is an odd thing, isn’t it?

These circumstances are hard to understand, unless Peter adorns himself with borrowed plumes and deceives his students about his real qualifications, due to certain, possibly political and/or financial reasons. It is to be assumed that there is not only a single person, but also a whole organization behind this fraud. Ironically, at the same time the article is exhorting its readers to obey to the official and legal rules of Jovian. This is also an odd thing, isn’t it?

For my training in using the DD Program, I paid a lot of money. Now I am learning that there are favored people that don’t need a training for being allowed to teach. In reverse this means, that I am already licensed to teach after my training as a DD practitioner. As everywhere, an equal treatment should be the rule. It seems as if there is corruption everywhere.

I am highly voting for preaching the true teaching of Ra and not for diluting or distorting it. It is highly unfortunate, that even the official organizations take part in this. What a shame!

I am looking forward to your response. I hope you can resolve my concerns about this public fraud, which in the end will damage the human design system in its original Ra’s way.

Best Regards

Destiny is no matter of chance or choice.
It is a matter of correct decision!

Coach und Unternehmensberater

Lynda to Werner

Hello Werner,

I can see you are questioning the judgement of Jovian, the IHDS and even Ra. And, accusing us of “fraud”? Pretty harsh accusation when I don’t even know you and you don’t know me. I’m tempted to just delete your email because of it’s tone, accusations and insults…. but I will answer you.

I’ve been running the IHDS since 2010, and I take my job very seriously. My commitment is to follow through on Ra’s wishes, the integrity of the knowledge and getting Human Design out into the world as best we can. People that know me understand this about me and also appreciate all the hard work and dedication that comes from all of us at the IHDS. I can assure you it has not been an easy road.

Ra was the originator of the Rave Psychology and PHS programs (now the Differentiation Degree Program). No one else. He is the only “originator or developer”. He taught it several times, originally as the Rave Psychology and Primary Health System. After teaching it several times he decided to incorporate it into one program, knowing that the knowledge was best served in this way, and he renamed it the Differentiation Degree Program.

He designated several people to teach this program before his passing. Alok and Andrea, as you say. And Josette Lamotte as well. However, this was not an exclusive arrangement. It’s important that we grow and as appropriate we have other teachers offer this program.

He asked me to take over the IHDS in July 2010 and gave me the authority to continue his work and run these programs, as well as all the others. He entrusted his school to me and gave me complete authority. In my judgement and the judgement of Jovian, Peter was and is ready to step into the role of DDP teacher. We do not take these things lightly. They are thoroughly considered. There was also a demand from the public for an additional teacher of this program. We are growing and the fractal is becoming wide.

I don’t need to defend this, but I will say that Peter was one of Ra’s first students and was highly respected and regarded by Ra. The selection of Peter to fill this role was not taken lightly nor was it “given” to him. He has earned it, and I have no doubt Ra would be in complete agreement, and if he were still here, Peter would have been his first recommendation for this role.

We do not need the approval of you or anyone else to make these decisions. We are looking out for the best interest of Human Design from our vantage point. And this was a correct decision.

I don’t know who you spoke with in your “investigations”, but it sounds to me as though you were given false information. I recommend you stop worrying about others and do the good work you were trained to do and help as many people as you possibly can. That’s what it is all about now, isn’t it…

Getting caught up in stories, politics, rumors and gossip is just a waste of your time. And this community has it’s fair share believe me, and has wasted far too much energy and time with this sort of thing.

Best wishes for a lovely holiday,

Lynda Bunnell

Legality and naivety

Both Jovian and the self installed IHDS keep talking about their ‚rights’ but have been unable for many years now to back their claims. Simply because those rights do not exist. (please check for yourself, patent offices are public and easy to access).

This is a strange situation for the national HD organisations. They have (bought) ‘exclusive rights’ but this ‘exclusivity’ is only a matter between the 2 contract partners, nobody else needs to bother about it (as can easily be seen worldwide. There are uncountable people dealing and working with the HDS and nobody can stop them.)

Isn’t it strange that ‘rights’ which do not exist are being sold for lots of money?

Dealing with national contracts is equally strange: HDAustria and I personally have been deleted, recalled, taken over, replaced etc. but I can still entertain you with the following email:


So Jovian seriously thinks they can stop parts of my contract (my rights) by email-notice, but leave the other part of the contract (my duties) untouched…
Welcome to reality!

Legal Statement

we had our lawyers check the whole situation…:

Statement to the national HD organisations and various professionals:

You know about the beginnings – how my/our open letter criticising the yearly 500 dollar fee for all professionals led to the deletion of any links to HDAustria and my personal records as teacher and analyst.

It never bothered me a lot, we work successfully here and no business ever came via the jovian or ihds websites, and no more incompetent discussions was a real relief.

But things got worse. When the ihds informed me that it is none of my business who they license as teacher for our (!) HD school and combined the price for the BG5 software module of MMI with an extra fee of 1000 (now already 1500) dollars, I really had enough of this kind of unprofessionalism.

The peak was reached, when jovian and ihds set up Peter Schöber as new german speaking HD school, and peter sent out ‘contracts’ to all professionals threatening them – if they would not sign it (and buy all materials and courses from him!) they would no longer be recognized, claiming that HDAustria no longer has the right to do its job…
My response was mainly – pure laughter! I find it very hard to believe that adults seriously behave like this and ignore plain common sense and all the more – any trace of legality.

But as these kind of statements were distributed among our professionals, we decided to get the facts checked and confirmed – and this is in short what our lawyers came up with (and I think this might be interesting for all of you too!):

– My 2 contracts with jovian are active and legal.
the first one is the original contract (2000, for Austria) which I believe was the same for all the first NOs.
the second one (2003) appointed me as director of all German language HD education.

Jacqueline (jovian) has claimed “…your contract has not ‘ended’ – that would mean your license was revoked, which is not the case.
What is the case is that you are no longer IHDS recognized due to your refusal to acknowledge IHDS guidelines, rules and standards, in addition to the transgressions as laid out in the notice you received from Jovian….”
displaying the mentioned absolute lack of legal understanding (which is quite frightening for someone we all have to do business with, no?).

Any new HD school that jovian or ihds try to install in the German speaking area (or in ANY territory of the old contracts!) is therefore clearly illegal – even within jovian’s OWN legal framework.

– My contract with jovian dates back long before the setup of the ihds. Therefore the ihds has no rights or authority whatsoever in my territory, and HDAustria (again: like ALL the original nat.orgs!) is an official HD school exactly like the ihds (if the ihds had been granted the right to be a school by jovian). There is no contractual connection between HDAustria and ihds.

(Please consider what this really means – for materials and education in each of our/your territories and/or languages!)

– My (and yours too?) contract specifies no specific way of education or running the school. So nobody can claim our trainings are not valid or recognized (as Peter, as ihds-puppet, tried to do). Any reference to the ‘standards board’ is of no consequence, as this board was never defined and has never acted.

– The ihds cannot end or cancel my (or anybody else’s) licences or qualification – as they have no authority in the first place to issue such licenses in my territory.

– The same goes for jovian – as our contracts are intact and there is no clause about ending it.

And last but not least – Peter’s threat to all our professionals that they (their work, their trainings etc.) will no longer be ‘accepted’ if they don’t sign his contract is of course illegal and can simply be sued as ‘coercion’.

Unless we have to we do not intend to take anybody to court – this is such a waste of energy, all these ridiculous claims and statements don’t stand up to anything and do not hinder our work. It is just a pity how the already bad reputation is being held up and how the ‘official’ dealings of the self-installed HD representatives lack professionalism and seem to mistake (some of) Ra’s words for God’s word – we live in constitutional states and contracts and legal agreements apply to everybody – including Ra and now his mislead heirs.

Let me also remind you of the wonderful software alternative that is open to everybody. Erik’s Neutrinos Through Windows has been available and updated ever since 1993, and has a lot more and definitely prettier features than MMI – and is not combined with additional fees to serve someone’s greed!

As I have been claiming for years – all the threats and rules from ihds and jovian have no legal ground. But the damage they do to the spreading of the HDS is incredible. A system that preaches ‘follow your own authority’ but do (and pay!!!) as I tell you must lose all credibility.
For me as the oldest and originally ‘exclusive’ BG5 teacher this is particularly annoying: after ‘licensing’ herself as BG5 teacher – without training, qualification and experience – Lynda failed impressively. And a number of students wasted a lot of money. Now the ihds is once again promoting an unqualified ‘teacher’ (not even an HD analyst!) offering BG5 work and trainings – discrediting the knowledge, misguiding students and ruining standards.

This can only happen because the vast majority of HD schools and long term professionals do not speak up and inform the public, the students and everybody who is interested in this wonderful system.
We have made all this information public (both in English and German) – , so everybody can see and check what has been going on.

If you want to contribute and support this information campaign and make your numerous experiences available, I am ready to add your comments/posts to our website. I value the HDS and I will not allow greed, incompetence and an incredible lack of professionalism to be the only available information – without giving students the possibility to see and understand what is going on.

The feedback we are getting is fantastic. It has been clear for so long that things are not ok and not clean, and many people have thanked us for the clarification. I know it is always up to us and to our correct decision making process how we present ourselves to the public.

So – HDAustria now offers very clearly: HDS by Ra Uru Hu! And for years we have been no longer concerned with the embarrassing dealings of misguided people who only try in vain to be in power and make money without any return service.

The last issue I want to address is:

Some teachers are being granted advanced teaching-licenses – and the ihds openly admits that this happened without training or qualification – only because this teacher is being ‘highly respected’. You can check the complete mail on our website, here is just the paragraph I am referring to:

In my judgement and the judgement of Jovian, Peter was and is ready to step into the role of DDP teacher. We do not take these things lightly. They are thoroughly considered. There was also a demand from the public for an additional teacher of this program. We are growing and the fractal is becoming wide.

I don’t need to defend this, but I will say that Peter was one of Ra’s first students and was highly respected and regarded by Ra. The selection of Peter to fill this role was not taken lightly nor was it “given” to him. He has earned it, and I have no doubt Ra would be in complete agreement, and if he were still here, Peter would have been his first recommendation for this role.

Are you all going to inform your professionals that they can now safe themselves the trouble and money to take a training? It is enough to be ‘considered ready’(by people without qualification!), even if they CANNOT have the knowledge because as in this case Andrea and Alok developed/finished the DD-program after Ra’s death – and Peter was not there (he also never took any RP or PHS training with Ra).

So – just behave well, and you will be rewarded, if you are a nuisance and keep criticizing things, you will be deleted.

I have never been frightened by this, we have a large and well working national organisation here, our students and customers are well looked after and value our numerous services. so – why should anybody want to be listed or recognized with a foreign and incompetent company that has no legal authority? Why should anyone of you follow the ihds?

The real problem for me is what the self installed HD’officials’ in general are transmitting to the ‘public’: …how nice that we are aware adults living what we ‘preach’…. no?

ilse sendler

translated statement from Martin Grassinger

(one of the many statements from the German speaking teachers)

Martin, I have tried to keep to your personal account as much as possible bearing in mind I translated your words using Google’s translation tool. Ilse helped with some of the more obscure meanings. It is not a pure German to English translation as I felt that would lose the essence of your words, you as a person and your experience of the HDS.  It is a mash-up (half way house) because I do not speak any German. Regards JC Simpson

A statement written by Martin Grassinger posted on the HDS website Human Design Worldwide:

The statement is written because of these events: The IHDS have appointed Peter Schöber as the head of the new ‘German Speaking’ school violating Ilse Sendler’s existing contracts. Peter has sent out contracts to all ‘German speaking’ professionals, asking them to sign the contract and only buy materials directly from him. If they do not sign the contract they will no longer be recognised by the IHDS and they will not be registered at the IHDS as HDS professionals regardless of their training.

Hello Everybody

I would like to talk about recent events in relation to the IHDS, Human Design Austria and the formation of a new ‘German Speaking’ HD School from my own personal position.

I knew Ra before the HDS was in the world. Ra introduced me to the HDS at the early stages of its development. Ra was curious about the way I looked at the system. I suggested that it could be used for therapeutic and medical aspects of physicality.  It was a very fruitful period of exchange and supplementation.  In 1994 Ra encouraged me to teach the first health course I developed, he was present in the lecture hall and listened intently.

After a few years Ra went to America and told me that he wanted to establish Jovian Archive. I wrote back to him the name jovi ANARCHI ve reminded me of the 7th gate, third line (7.3 rejecting any institutionalized order) because it had anarchist at its core.  In his kind of black humour Ra found that funny. Today one sees: Nomen est Omen (the name is an omen – a fitting sign). That which was once set up deliberately as an institution will be simple rejected, and even funnier is the way of trying to replace it with a new one.

This brings me to another aspect. The voice said, we are consciousness in human form. If we then look at the incarnation Cross of consciousness, then we see that his transpersonal sharing is from the Cross of territory (Dominion).  Ra told me back then it was really the Cross of annexation. And it’s true, the annexation of foreign rule areas in terms of awareness is an integral part of the transpersonal dealing with contents of consciousness.  So we have all the knowledge annexing territory of the HDS in our minds and expand our consciousness.

Now we are experiencing that on behalf of this awareness system as it tries also secularly and legally to annex existing dominions. This is a tradition in Germany.  The dilemma is, however – and Ra knew always – that there is no, and I repeat, no legal basis for the HDS.

I had to learn this myself multiple times.  Here is one example:  When American Rave Life Sciences was established towards the end of the last millennium they wanted to forbid me, in all seriousness, using the word HEALTH in connection with the HDS and my work, and said it would be protected by trademark.  Through my immediate contact with lawyers it was found that there was no foundation to Rave Life Sciences request. They were the appropriate agency to absolutely nothing. Nevertheless, everything published by them, every word and publication had a Registered Trademark, and they tried to ban the rest of the world from using the system and threatened them with lawyers. What a presumption, what a farce!

Even today’s installation of a GmbH in connection with the HDS system says only, I will be seen and treated by the tax office as an economic activity, regardless of whether I sell sugar cubes or the HDS. This has absolutely nothing to do with us and commits us to nothing. As I already said, there is no legal basis for it. Ultimately even the IHDS (International Human Design School) do not like to face the fact they have absolutely nothing that would stand up in any court in the world.

This is a truth that we can look at, friendly, and directly in the face. Do not believe that it would be different just because someone installed something.  I very much like that the HDS is not legally tangible, that means it cannot be possessed by someone, even if someone is obsessed to own it. But that’s in the circuit of economic activity, the ego, and some find it horny, and some believe that to possess a land even by the authorization given as regards the HDS…. ‘The gods love a good joke’ was one of the standard sets of Ra.
I am free.  And the arrogance of others, to determine and believe what conditions I work under and take away my right to work – a right they do not even have!  Simply to be allowed to engage in my wallet, is nothing more than presumption. It is like the story of the emperor’s new clothes: Look he has nothing on, the Emperor is naked!

Ra told me more than 24 years ago: “You can teach whatever you want everywhere”. And he always repeated this statement over the years. In the year 2000, he authorized me to teach, exclusively, Rave Biology, a graphical matrix that shows the digestive system of a human body. This graphic is a wonderful way to demonstrate and individualize the general PHS strategy.

Over the years, I have also developed numerous special courses on health and HDS, where I teach content that Ra has never taught. He has always said, in his own words, that my work as an enrichment to the HDS and encouraged me to continue with it. Also in addition, this too has no legal base – including, previously hidden knowledge that comes into the world needs to be revealed.

Ra has never cared about a legal base, he set things arbitrarily and was therefore also a master at terminating loyalty when it suited his new interests.  As an individual ego driven Manifestor he just did what he wanted. Fortunately for us, he hit a brick wall with Ilse Sendler, because she too has a defined ego, she was able to resist his rather dictatorial change experiments successfully in order to preserve the continuity of the quality of our community.  Ra knew very well that he has no legal basis to force Ilse to do anything. Just by the fact that he received the most royalties from Ilse compared to all other national organizations Ilse could hold him to account, has caused him to repeatedly to back down.

This attitude has changed after his death, for we know and experience it: if someone does not obey they get excommunicated. This is a popular method of ‘punishment’ and has a long tradition within the HDS. More and more there is an inconsistent manner to excommunication. Ilse is indeed excommunicated as a business partner, but still has to continue to pay royalties, and to send money to Jovian.
Dem Geld zuliebe auf den Strich gehen und eine klare Linie haben ist eben zweierlei! (This is a pun in German it does not translate easily into English) The translation is: go to the money’s sake to the bar and have a clear line is just two! Basically there is a big difference between prostitution for money and having a clear line to follow (to prostitute yourself in German is ‘walking on a line’).

Back to the roots: Ra, in 1992, has written literally in the preface (the introduction) to the English edition of HDS: “I require nothing for me” That was and is certainly in the spirit of ‘the voice’, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, who submitted all this wonderful system for us. That Ra was the Herald (the Clarion) in the town square bringing the message:  (hear thee hear thee) people listen I have something to tell you….I am committed to eternal thanks and appreciation to him.

Peter Schöber has deep and extensive knowledge in the HDS. Chapeau! (Hat’s off to him – respect for his work). This should at this point be quite clearly emphasized and recognized. On the mundane level I cannot and I will not follow him. I am a free man and as such also a free entrepreneur. With my Cross of service I serve in this context the HDS, because it serves me. If that serves the people who are open to it, then I have done my job (fulfilled my purpose).

Martin Grassinger


about inner authority…:

Many years ago I was discussing ‚friendship’ with Ra. It was at the end of some event and one of the many so called friends who had dropped by looking for some free wise words had just left…

I commented on ‘friends’ who just use you, who only want and never return much, who behave like moths circling the flame… I am rather critical with such things, I value balance and loyalty and do not tolerate being used. It turned into a little lecture on INNER AUTHORITY:  (click the + to read on)

Ra talked about his splenic authority, fast, clear (to the body, not the mind) and reliable, once you’ve learned to trust it. But he explained that – as always – there is an other side to it too: once his spleen had correctly accepted someone as a ‘friend’ this person was going to stick with him as a friend for a long time. Changing decisions is not so easy, and the mind telling him that maybe this ‘friend’ was not such a great person never lead to anything, the mind certainly is no authority. So getting rid of a ‘false friend’ was tedious and usually took a long time if it happened at all.

What I am trying to get at is the decision making process. This is what Human Design is all about, if someone does not manage to get this right, no further investigation and involvement will lead to being correct and living a life as yourself.

And it is a topic that seems to get little attention lately, that gets lost under heaps of pseudo-clever explanations about type and strategy. I have witnessed it many times, and I am – well – very irritated, to say the least.

Dealing with some HD people is difficult. Reliability is a vague memory of something long gone. Decisions are changed and redone and taken back  – faster than ever. Life with HD makes everything easier – in theory. In reality sometimes the only change is from a mind driven unreliability to an even worse unreliability explained by inner authority. And it is really worse because before there was basic ‘good manners’ or some kind of guilty conscience that occasionally stopped you, now the claim to be aware and correct allows you to do whatever you like… but – does it?

Hey guys, this is NOT what Human Design is all about!

Emotional inner authority slows your decisions down. You have to wait and digest it, feel it through and sleep over it. And then, after however long it takes, you arrive at some answer – and this is it.

All other forms of inner authority are quite fast. You find your answer in the now – or you find no answer. But whenever your authority ‘speaks’, the decision is made – and this is it.

There is no clock attached to any authority.

The emotional wave can take a few minutes or some years, and all other authorities present you with an answer maybe faster but sometimes it may take a long time too. But then the process is over!

Going back over the same question all over again – this is the same mind game that we were living before and that we should have left behind with Human Design.

Sticking with the decision you have made will teach and show you – whatever you need to be taught and shown. And yes, your mind will complain… occasionally… so what?

So whenever you hear someone reconsidering a decision they have arrived at before, be sure that they are not ‘living their design’…
And one last comment on ‘reality’: inner authority is not really about having tea or coffee right now!

Ilse Sendler

Celebrating 30 years of the HDS – with lies and fraud

Actually I had planned to ignore ‘official’ HD politics, it has reached a level of stupidity that is far beyond my understanding and also very obviously impossible to fix or correct. But recentIy I accidentally stumbled across Lynda’s anniversary rag… – and now I have to abandon my plan and comment:

This is, what Lynda Bunnell claims:
                                                                          (click the + to read on)

…“For those of you new to Human Design, Ra established the International Human Design School (IHDS) in 1992 as the first and the original school and platform for teaching The Human Design System. He asked me to be the caretaker in 2010, and I take the responsibility very seriously, as does our very talented and gifted faculty at the school.”…

Once again – it is a plain lie, and a particularly silly one, because there are still many people around who witnessed all of this.
The timing in this claim is about 20 YEARS out!

This is what really happened:
When Ra started to teach in the early 1990ies there was no organisation of any kind. We were a bunch of dedicated friends and freaks (in the positive, HD sense of the word, meaning really individual), and if you just take one look at Ra’s design it should be obvious that he never was a party or organisation or structure person. Creating a company/community/structured business etc. was clearly not on his priority list.

He had met Jürgen Saupe from Germany (translator of his first book, the ‘black book’), they became friends and Jürgen became his first organizer and promoter. For a number of years they travelled Europe, everything being organised by Jürgen and later on supported by various ‘students’ from various countries.

Around 2000 a group of those supporting students was offered the first national contracts to run national HDS organisations (it was Germany, UK, US, Italy, Spain, Japan and myself for Austria). THIS was the creation of the IHDS – with the slight but interesting little difference, that we were the International Human Design Schools! – SCHOOLS – plural! Lynda at this time was nowhere in sight. And those of us who had signed the contract (Jürgen did not) together represented the first HD organisation.

So – “for those new to Human Design”: Lynda is once again lying – trying to pretend some kind of greatness or importance (?) that neither she nor the much later and self-installed IHDS ever had.

HERE is an interesting old email to illustrate the above: Ra Uru Hu wrote in May 2008 to a group of professoinals and teachers:

…The IHDS spent most of its existence as me. In the last years this has begun to change and September mutates the IHDS into you

keep this in mind when the IHDS representatives claim otherwise…